Traffic Management Plan 2025
Operating Hours of School Gates
School’s operating hours is from 0630 hrs to 1900 hrs on normal school days and during which specific gates will be accessible to students, staff, parents and authorized visitors for official business.
1. Access Gates & Operating Hours
Figure 2 and Table 1 below show the locations of access gates and operating hours respectively.
Figure 2: Gate Locations
Table 1: Gates and Operating Hours
Gate | Gate Location | Arrival | Dismissal | Remedial Lessons/ CCA Dismissal | Student Care Centre (Pick-up) | Visitors |
A | Pedestrian Access Gate (Near Bus Stop along Commonwealth Ave West) | 6:30am to 7:30am | 1.30pm to 2.00pm (P3, P5 and P6) | Remedial: 2.45pm to 3.00pm 3.30pm to 3.45pm CCA (Mondays & Tuesdays): 4.30pm to 5.00pm 5.30pm to 6.00pm |
B | Pedestrian Access Gate (Next to Gate A along Commonwealth Ave West) | 6.30am to 7.30am | 1.30pm to 2.00pm (P1 P3, P5, P6 students) |
C | Pedestrian Access Gate C (Next to Traffic Light along Commonwealth Ave West) | NIL | 1.30pm to 2.00 pm (P2 & P4 students) |
E | Pedestrian Access Gate (Near Security Guard Post along Jalan Lempeng) | NIL | NIL | NIL | 3.00pm to 7.00pm | 7.30am to 1.00pm 2.00pm to 5.00pm |
G | Pedestrian Access Gate (Near Faber Drive along Jalan Lempeng) | 6.30am to 7.30am | 1.30 pm to 2.00pm (for all levels of students) |
CCA (Mondays & Tuesdays) 4.30pm to 5.00pm 5.30pm to 6.00pm |
D | Vehicle Access Gate (Near Commonwealth Ave West and Jalan Lempeng Junction) | 6.30am to 7.30am | 1.45pm to 2.15pm Opened only after all school buses have exited) | NIL | NIL | NIL |
F | Vehicle Access Gate (Next to Security Guard Post along Jalan Lempeng) | 6.30am to 7.30am | 1.40pm to 2.15pm | 3.00pm to 7.00pm (For entry and exit) | 3.00pm to 7.00pm (For entry and exit) | 7.30am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm |
2. Vehicles Entering and Exiting School
- All vehicles must use only gates D or F following the gates opening hours as well as safe routes indicated below (figures 3, 4 and 5)
- Before turning into school, drivers should turn on their vehicle directional signals to indicate their intention to other drivers waiting to exit from the gates.
- Drivers must strictly keep within the speed limit of 15km/h while driving in school. They are to be cautious of merged lanes and when overtaking.
- No vehicles should park within school compound except when given prior permissions by the school or picking up unwell/injured students.
- In the event that vehicles are allowed to park and wait, it should not exceed waiting time of 15 minutes or other time limit as specified by the Security Officer. Otherwise, the driver should leave and return as instructed.
- Drivers must follow the instructions of duty personnel and traffic signs so as not to impede traffic flows.
- Drivers should ensure that students to get in and get out of the vehicles quickly in order not to hold up the queue.
- Drivers should keep a look out and give way at the pedestrian crossing near the security guard post.
- There should be no waiting outside school gates or bus stop before or during dismissal time.
3. Pedestrians Entering and Exiting School
- All students and staff entering or exiting school must use gates A, B, C and G following the gates opening hours. They will be assisted in crossing in front of gates D and F during peak hours but they must not enter or exit the school using these two gates.
- They must avoid jaywalking and use foot paths, pedestrian crossings around the school for their safety.
- Visitors including parents should use only Gate E to enter/exit the school during non-peak hours. They need to register at the Security Guard Post and put on a security sticker. They should also use the pedestrian crossing between the security guard post and foyer to access the General Office or the Canteen.
- Parents fetching students in CCAs, remedial lessons or student care centre should use Gate E to enter/exit. They are to strictly wait in the canteen area and are not allowed to access other school areas.
4. Cyclists Entering and Exiting school
- All cyclists entering and exiting school must dismount from their bicycles when they are within the school compound. They are not allowed to cycle on the road or pedestrian walkways within the school.
- Cyclists must only park their bicycles at designated lots located near gate A.
- If students are cycling to and from school daily or regularly, Operations Manager should be notified. Parents will have to sign an acknowledgment form and the student will be briefed individually on safety on cycling.
Safe Routes for Vehicles
Figure 3 and 4 below depicts vehicular movement during school arrival and dismissal respectively. Figure 5 shows movement during remedial lessons, CCA dismissal and other after-school activities.
Figure 3: During School Arrival
Explanatory Notes to Figure 3:
For those driving from Commonwealth Avenue West,
- enter the school using Gate D only
- drop off along the bus bay area
- exit the school using Gate D only
- turn right only on exit towards Commonwealth Avenue West
- no left turn from 6.45am to 7.45am (refer to LTA signage)
For those driving from Jalan Lempeng,
- enter the school using Gate F only
- make a u-turn near canteen
- drop off along canteen and foyer area
- exit the school using Gate F only
- turn left only on exit towards Clementi Avenue 6
- no right turn from 6.45am to 7.45am (refer to LTA signage)
**Figure 4: During School Dismissal**
Explanatory Notes to Figure 4:
For those driving from Commonwealth Avenue West,
- enter the school using Gate D only
- pick up along the bus bay area
- exit the school using Gate D only
- turn right only on exit towards Commonwealth Avenue West
- no left turn from 1.45 pm to 2.15pm (refer to LTA signage)
**For those driving from Jalan Lempeng, **
- enter the school using Gate F only
- make a u-turn near canteen
- pick up along the canteen area only
- exit the school using Gate F only
- turn left only on exit towards Clementi Avenue 6
- no right turn from 1.45pm to 2.15pm (refer to LTA signage)
**Figure 5: After CCA/Remedial Lessons & Student Care Dismissal Pick Up**
Explanatory Notes to Figure 5:
- Vehicles enter school through Gate F (nearest to the security guard post) by turning right or left
- After entering, vehicles head towards the bus bay and turn back towards the canteen
- Drivers pick up their children / wards either from the bus bay or canteen
- Vehicles exit school via Gate F by turning right of left
Safe Routes for Pedestrians
Figure 6 shows the routes for pedestrians using the various access gates, as indicated in the blue dashed lines. For pedestrians entering via gate E, they should make use of the pedestrian crossing and look out for vehicles. There will be a security personnel to assist in the crossing during peak hours.
Figure 6: Pedestrians and Cyclists’ Routes
Safe Routes for Cyclists
- With reference to Figure 6, all cyclists coming into and exiting school should only use gate B where there is a barrier-free access ramp and where bicycle lots are nearby.
- Cyclists must dismount from the bicycles before entering or leaving the school. While in school, they must also lock their bicycles.
Safety and Security Reminders
- Parking is not allowed in the school. Visitors can park at the nearby HDB car parks.
- Keep within the 15km/h speed limit while driving in school
- Follow the instructions / directions of road marshals
- Alight and pick up your child only at the designated drop-off / pick-up points. Inform your child of the pick-up point (either canteen or bus bay) to avoid confusion.
- No parking or waiting at the public bus stop near Gate A or along Jalan Lempeng
- Follow traffic rules and drive safely
- Pedestrians are to walk on footpaths and use only pedestrian gates to enter or exit the school
- All visitors including parents to register at the security guard post to access school for official business, e.g. buying books /uniforms, meetings, fetching unwell students. They should not access school areas other than those permitted.
Information accurate as of 26/12/2024