School Rules & Regulations 校规
Our School Rules
Pupils who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Pupils will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. While singing the National Anthem and taking the Pledge, pupils must stand at attention.
Seek permission from the school authorities before leaving the school during school hours
Submit a medical certificate or letter of excuse to the Form teacher the next school day if absent from school.
Be punctual for all school activities.
Respect the school authority.
Be courteous and considerate at all times.
Keep the school premises clean and use the school facilities with care. Consume food only in the canteen.
Pupils must wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the school uniform is not allowed.
Wear only white shoes and socks daily.
Be neat. Keep the hair short. For girls, long hair is to be plaited and use only simple, black hair accessories.
Boys must be clean-shaven. No moustache or beard is allowed.
Do not wear jewellery.
School Uniform and PE Attire
- Blouse / Shirt / T-shirt: neatly tucked in
- Knee-Length skirt
- Long hair must be plaited
- Fringe should not touch the eye-brows
- White shoes and ankle-high socks